NAMI SW WA with Executive Director Kim Schneiderman

Did you know that May is Mental Health Awareness Month?  Well, the esteemed Kim Schneiderman from NAMI SW WA is here to remind us.  In addition, she gives us the lowdown on why she knows everyone at her grocery store, getting into mental health by way of phlebotomy and bubble packs, and how her volunteer service at NAMI translated into her dual roles now as Board President and Executive Director.  We talk about how NAMI supports and provides Education, Support, Advocacy, and Awareness for people dealing with mental health issues, and their loved ones and about the annual NAMI SW WA walk, coming up this weekend, and annually following, on the Saturday of the weekend prior to Memorial Day.  Welcome Kim!

The Columbian covers Director Schneiderman’s SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) hacks

The New York Times covers mental illness and quotes Kim Schneiderman in The Man in Room 117

The Columbian’s Profile on NAMI SW WA and Kim Schneiderman, Executive Director

Suicide Prevention and Awareness Booklet for Family Members and Loved Ones from NAMI SW WA

Kim Schneiderman, Executive Director

Kim spent almost 23 years in the pharmacy field, focusing on mental health and intellectual disability. During that time, she worked with government and mental health agencies, the Department of Corrections, state and local hospitals, residential providers, and substance abuse providers.

Before accepting her dream job as NAMI SW Washington’s Executive Director, Kim was the Board President of NAMI Oregon and then NAMI SW WA. She and NAMI continue to collaborate with a multitude of people and non-profits dedicated to making a better life for people.

NAMI SW Washington provides Education, Support, Advocacy, and Awareness for people dealing with mental health issues, including serious and persistent mental illness. As important, NAMI also provides education and support for people who have loved ones dealing with those issues, a sometimes-forgotten segment of a treatment team.

We are dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.

When people find us, there is always someone to talk to them about what’s going on, someone who speaks from lived experience and understanding and helps to find the resources they need.

NAMI SW WA Provides:

Education services:

Basics – for parents and caregivers of children with mental/behavioral challenges. An on-demand 6-hour class.

Family-to-Family – for adults who have an adult family member living with a mental health condition.

WRAP – a 16-hour training designed to help you 1) identify what makes you well, and then 2) use wellness tools to relieve difficult feelings, identify supports, and maintain wellness.

 Social Groups:

Creative Writing for Wellness – time to socialize while working on writing skills.

Adult Autism Social Group – for adults living with autism spectrum disorder.

Art Group – time to socialize while creating art.

 Support services:

Family Support Group – for adults who have an adult loved one living with a mental health disorder.

Connection Recovery Support Group – for adults living with a mental health disorder.

Women’s Support Group – for adult women living with a mental health disorder.

Men’s Support Group – for adult men living with a mental health disorder.

STRive – Steps to Recovery. It is a safe, supportive group providing mental wellness education and tools for a successful and sustained recovery from mental health conditions.

 Advocacy and other services:

SEE ME – a mental health educational presentation about mental health disorders, communication techniques, and stigma.

C.A.L.M – a presentation about mental health crises, de-escalation techniques, and stigma for the community that may face individuals coming to their place of business.

Trusted Adult – a 12-hour training prepares adults to understand their role as models of social and emotional health, anticipate the mental health needs of youth, and understand how to engage with youth skillfully.

LEAP Workshops – LEAP (Listen-Empathize-Agree-Partner) uses evidence-based strategies and research on mental health conditions to help YOU help your loved one.

 Related Internal Chatter Episodes

Suicide Prevention & The Drama Triangle with Debbie Dedrickson

Suicide Prevention and AFSP w/ Angela Perry


President of the Oregon Food Bank, Susannah Morgan


Children’s Mental Health in the Pediatric Office with Jackie Baker, DNP